Rabbi Dovid Rubin
Rabbi Dovid Rubin is a devoted mechanech, educator and administrator. For the past 20 years, he has taught both in Israel and in the United States at the high school and post-high school levels. Rabbi Rubin comes from a family of illustrious rabbonim and mechanchim, and devotes his life to harbatzas Torah.
Rabbi Rubin believes that, to be successful in life, each person must have his needs met, in both ruchnius and in gashmius. His distinctive derech is to treat each talmid with respect, pay attention to his every need, and invest fully in his progress and well-being. Rabbi Rubin has benefited from the devotion and care bestowed by his own rabbeim, in the Mesivta of Long Beach, and later, in the Mir and Brisk Yeshivos in Yerushalayim. It is from the positive influences of these places that Rabbi Rubin developed his own unique derech halimud and passion for inspiring others.
Rabbi Dovid Rubin is a devoted mechanech, educator and administrator. For the past 20 years, he has taught both in Israel and in the United States at the high school and post-high school levels. Rabbi Rubin comes from a family of illustrious rabbonim and mechanchim, and devotes his life to harbatzas Torah.
Rabbi Rubin believes that, to be successful in life, each person must have his needs met, in both ruchnius and in gashmius. His distinctive derech is to treat each talmid with respect, pay attention to his every need, and invest fully in his progress and well-being. Rabbi Rubin has benefited from the devotion and care bestowed by his own rabbeim, in the Mesivta of Long Beach, and later, in the Mir and Brisk Yeshivos in Yerushalayim. It is from the positive influences of these places that Rabbi Rubin developed his own unique derech halimud and passion for inspiring others.

Rabbi Moshe Maimon
Rebbe, Grade 11
Rabbi Maimon, a native of Monsey, NY, studied in Mir, Brisk and Beth Medrash Govoha. He spent his past three summers giving shiurim to junior high school and beis medrash students in Lakewood and in Cleveland. In his current position, he teaches Hashkafa and History to the ninth grade in Yeshiva Bais Hachinuch of Lakewood. Rabbi Maimon has also been involved in adult education, giving classes in Chumash, Talmud and Jewish philosophy as part of outreach work for Torah Umesorah’s SEED programs. He has authored a sefer on Maseches Nedarim; an annotated edition of The Torah Commentary of Rabbenu Avraham ben Harambam (Maimonides); and has published numerous articles in Hebrew and English in Torah journals and English language publications.
He is married to Dena (Elbaz) formerly of Cleveland, a licensed speech pathologist.
Rebbe, Grade 11
Rabbi Maimon, a native of Monsey, NY, studied in Mir, Brisk and Beth Medrash Govoha. He spent his past three summers giving shiurim to junior high school and beis medrash students in Lakewood and in Cleveland. In his current position, he teaches Hashkafa and History to the ninth grade in Yeshiva Bais Hachinuch of Lakewood. Rabbi Maimon has also been involved in adult education, giving classes in Chumash, Talmud and Jewish philosophy as part of outreach work for Torah Umesorah’s SEED programs. He has authored a sefer on Maseches Nedarim; an annotated edition of The Torah Commentary of Rabbenu Avraham ben Harambam (Maimonides); and has published numerous articles in Hebrew and English in Torah journals and English language publications.
He is married to Dena (Elbaz) formerly of Cleveland, a licensed speech pathologist.
Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowitz
Rebbe Grade 9
Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowitz is known for his warmth and creativity with an in depth approach to each individual student. His original roots are steamed in Passaic where he was a graduate of Mesivta if Passaic. He later attended Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia and still maintains a close relationship with R’ Shmuel Kaminetsky. He furthered his Talmudic education in Yeshiva Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg and moved to Eretz Yisroel attending the Brisker Kollel and studying with a group of talmidim of R Moshe Wolpin. Rabbi Mendlowitz lived in Eretz Yisroel with his wife Rachel ( Aaron- Sydney Australia) for eight years. Rabbi Mendlowitz joined the faculty of Yeshivas Daas Chochma, joining Rabbi Meir Sender and Rabbi Asher Wilheim in developing a Bais Midrash that currently houses fifty Bais Midrash students in Monsey. In 2013 Rabbi Mendlowitz furthered his secular education and attended LIU school of social work. He began working at a therapeutic boarding school headed by Dr. Simcha Chesner and later trained and worked in a Drug and Addictions Center in Jerusalem. In 2015 Rabbi Mendlowitz moved to Monsey and took on the position as Mashgiach / School Social Worker at Yeshiva Bais HaChinuch where he has resided for three years. Currently Rabbi Mendlowitz runs a private clinical practice and is influential in all Chinuch circles around Monsey on both the elementary and high school level.
Rebbe Grade 9
Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowitz is known for his warmth and creativity with an in depth approach to each individual student. His original roots are steamed in Passaic where he was a graduate of Mesivta if Passaic. He later attended Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia and still maintains a close relationship with R’ Shmuel Kaminetsky. He furthered his Talmudic education in Yeshiva Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg and moved to Eretz Yisroel attending the Brisker Kollel and studying with a group of talmidim of R Moshe Wolpin. Rabbi Mendlowitz lived in Eretz Yisroel with his wife Rachel ( Aaron- Sydney Australia) for eight years. Rabbi Mendlowitz joined the faculty of Yeshivas Daas Chochma, joining Rabbi Meir Sender and Rabbi Asher Wilheim in developing a Bais Midrash that currently houses fifty Bais Midrash students in Monsey. In 2013 Rabbi Mendlowitz furthered his secular education and attended LIU school of social work. He began working at a therapeutic boarding school headed by Dr. Simcha Chesner and later trained and worked in a Drug and Addictions Center in Jerusalem. In 2015 Rabbi Mendlowitz moved to Monsey and took on the position as Mashgiach / School Social Worker at Yeshiva Bais HaChinuch where he has resided for three years. Currently Rabbi Mendlowitz runs a private clinical practice and is influential in all Chinuch circles around Monsey on both the elementary and high school level.